Whether you like it or not, sneakers have become a huge part of our culture. A dressier and smarter alternative to a 'runner', sneakers are comfortable and can surprisingly be dressed up. Melbourne's most fashionable will be spotted wearing their "freshest" pair of sneakers with everything from skinny jeans to well tailored suits.

With Jeans & Chino's
The sneaker and jean look is actually quite easy. In fact. I'm doing it right now! I'm wearing jeans, a basic t-shirt & my favourite blazer.
The key things to remember here, is to wear a basic tee; no busy prints or patterns. Keep it simple and use it as a base for your blazers. Your plain white, black and navy t-shirts should do just fine.
You can always dress it up by switching the t-shirt with a collared shirt.
Once you're feeling brave, cuff the jean hem twice to reveal your ankle. Make sure to ditch the work socks and wear the invisible socks.
Sneakers & Suits
I love the suit & sneaker look but to do the 'look' you need to ensure that the suit trousers are tailored to your leg. From below the knee, they should be a little shorter them normal. Do not wear socks instead wear the invisible socks that cant be seen.
Once you've gone the trouser right, we suggest pairing a solid colour shirt underneath your suit. A plain white shirt will work with just about any suit you choose.

We're not only seeing more guys wearing sneakers, but we're also getting more guys asking for sneakers that are versatile. Over the past few seasons we've grown our collection of sneakers to cater to most people's style.
Overall, you want something that is quite comfortable & easy to wear, so stick to black, white & navy coloured shoes. Don't go to flashy!
Remember the simpler the sneaker, the more options you'll have when it comes to putting an outfit together.